Whether it's Nice, Vienna, St. Moritz, or perhaps the far North or maybe America? We'll take you along.

Here, you'll find an overview of the destinations we've traveled to as a club and those we plan to visit. Over time, more wonderful destinations and travel stories will be added.

Our absolute highlights so far have been the flight to Palermo for a car rally and to Olbia, Sardinia. We're thrilled that you're joining us on these flights! Here you can find all our travel reports.

Short Trips in Europe

You don't have to fly halfway around the world to feel like you're on the other side of it. Bavaria, Brittany, Croatia, Nice - everything is quite quick to reach yet so different from home. A city trip to Madrid, a weekend in Oxford, a short trip to the mountains or the seaside - and you'll feel rejuvenated.

Business Travel Essentials

What to Consider When Traveling for Business?
For many business travelers, the airplane is the transportation mode of choice, especially when it comes to covering shorter and longer distances with minimal waiting times and closer proximity to the destination. However, business flights can sometimes pose a challenge, both for the management organizing the flight and for the travelers themselves.

Here's everything you need to know about business travel by air: from planning and organization to personal preparations such as luggage and documents, to handling spontaneous problems and changes in plans.


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